A Trip to Munich

One of the first things I noticed on my connecting flight from London to Munich was the presence of quite a few skiers. There was a couple and three different groups of guys (amongst which was a guy with a mohawk and another wearing shorts in February) who were decked out in the latest snowboarding[…]

GoPhilanthropic – Meaningful Intelligent Travel

While at the New York Times Travel Show, I stumbled upon an impressive company called GoPhilanthropic. I sat down with Lydia Dean from GoPhilanthropic to learn more: BrilliantTips: Tell me about GoPhilanthropic. Lydia Dean: GoPhilanthropic is an innovative socially-conscious travel company committed to providing private tailor-made vacation packages to some of the world’s most inspiring[…]

Twit Trip to Paris

Benji Lanyado is going to Paris and he hasn’t planned much in advance. Why? Because he’s taking a Twit Trip. He plans to take his entire trip based on live tweeted tips and suggestions. Leaving it all up to the Twitterati, he states, “I’m going to leave it to the tweetosphere.” Early this morning (early[…]